"Hey bro what's up"
"Hey man, wanna chill after school?"
"Nah I can't...or I'm gonna bomb that Geo. test tomorrow."
So, how much of that conversation did you understand?
Now how much did you really get?
Well, it's okay. We, as teens, have some weird lingo, but I'm here to help you get it straight (cue heroic music from The Incredibles).
Here are some commonly used words and phrases by teens:
I know, right---meaning I agree
dude---friendly way to address someone
I just bombed that----when referring to a test or a task, failed
hott---good looking
texting---writing messsages over the phone
facebooking----communicate via facebook
friend (on fb)---to accept a friend request on facebook
flexin'----showing off
stud/stud muffin----cool person ("What a stud!")
stalking---not like criminal stalking, just paying attention to or texting a lot ("He's so stalking me.")
I'm good---I'm fine, no thanks
bromance---guys in a close friendship
lax bro---guy who plays lacrosse
duh----of course in a sarcastic how-did-you-not-know-that kind of way
ripped----really muscular
stoked---really excited
swagga---a walk or a strut or the way someone carries themselves, style
twitter---site in which you type statuses saying what you're doing or thinking
tweet---a status update or the act of updating your status
Of course, there will always be different words "trending" at each moment, but at least these are some for now. For example, not too long ago, everyone said "uber." "That's uber cool" or you're "uber awesome" or whatever, but now you never hear that anymore. Right now you hear words like the ones above, but in another couple of months, there will probably be a new set words. Sorry, that's just the way it works! Luckily, you can always google them or check on urbandictionary.com, which I'll warn you can be a little racy with a lot of curse words, but it'll get you what you need.
I didn't even start talking about texting language; that's a whole 'nother story.
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